Our Organizations

Brigadoon Village

Brigadoon Village is the largest pediatric medical camp in Canada. Each year, they deliver programming for more than 4,500 Atlantic Canadian children & youth with health conditions and other life challenges through nearly 30 camp programs.

Children who attend Brigadoon Village’s programs are all living with a chronic health condition or other life challenge. Their programs are structured such that children living with the same illness or life challenge attend a camp specifically designed for those living with their needs.

For more information, visit brigadoonvillage.org

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The IWK Foundation

The IWK Foundation supports the IWK Health Centre, the Maritime’s leading health-centre providing highly-specialized and primary health services for women, children, youth and families.

The IWK Foundation is powered by a legacy of best-in-class care, diversity and inclusion, and the personal connections our donors have to the IWK and the region it calls home. Donors help ensure that the IWK can continue to use up-to-date medical equipment, leading-edge research and the latest technology to provide the best care possible.

 For more information, visit iwkfoundation.org

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Make-A-Wish works with communities across Canada to provide kids with critical illnesses the opportunity to realize their most heartfelt wish. For children battling a critical illness, a wish gives kids the opportunity to look outside their illness and restores a sense of childhood for the child, and normalcy for the family.

Make-A-Wish is on a quest to bring every eligible child's wish to life, as an integral part of a child's treatment journey.  Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness.

 For more information, visit makeawish.ca

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RMHC Atlantic

Ronald McDonald House Charities Atlantic helps families with sick children stay together and near the medical care they need. Their programs include Ronald McDonald House, a “home-away-from-home” for out of town families with sick children, and their Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, an oasis of calm and support inside the hospital.

RMHC Atlantic has recently announced the construction of a new Ronald McDonald House in Halifax that will double their capacity to support families, and enrich the quality of support that they provide in every way.

 For more information, visit rmhcatlantic.ca

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